In these workshops, we focus on positive friendships and managing friendship challenges, which is one area I am very passionate about.
Now I am an adult, as are most of the people reading this, and you would think that as adults, we would have come to a place where we have all sorted out what our values in friendship are, and we should have learnt how to be a good friend.
This is the exact area young girls seem to be struggling with the most. The stories that the girls shared with me at our in-person workshops are always around the same everyday challenges with not being able to find people that they get on with, experiencing friends saying unkind things about others, being excluded purposefully, and the creating gossip groups where certain people are targeted and talked about, mean comments etc- and all of these things I am sure that if you found out your daughter was a part of the problem or was being targeted you would feel pretty gutted about as a parent or caregiver.
We want our future generation of girls to be united and connected in the cause and to be confident, inclusive, and kind humans who cheer each other on and lift each other! The only way they will truly experience this is by seeing it in action!
Many of my friends have mentioned when I shared my Shine and Empower workshop tools with them how they wish they had been able to learn these things sooner in life. They have also found that learning the tools for their friendships benefits them as adults.
If you would like to get a feel for what the workshops are like before you purchase the full workshop, feel free to click the link below and have a go yourself! You never know what you might learn that could help not only your daughter but also you!